R functions you must be able to use

This is a document that I will grow as the semester progresses it includes all operators and functions that we have used and that you are responsible for being able to use in your work


+ adds two values together

** exponentiation

^ exponentiation

/ division

%% modulo division

<- assigns a value to a variable

: provides a range of numbers

[] access part of a vector, dataframe, or matrix

[[]] access part of a list

() provide arguments to a function

== test for equality

!= test for inequality

>, <, <=, >= etc.

%in% is the item on the left present in the item on the right


Creating data structures

c concatenates things into a vector

matrix creates a matrix

cbind combine vectors as columns of a matrix

rbind combine vectors as the rows of a matrix

rep replicate something

data.frame create a dataframe

Control structures

for perform a block of code more than once

if perform a block of code under some conditions

while perform a block of code as long as a condition is true


rnorm provide samples from a normal distribution

rpois provide samples from a poisson distribution

rexp provide samples from an exponential distribution

runif provide samples from a uniform distribution

rbinom provide samples from a binomial distribution

seq provide a sequence of values

Plotting functions

plot basic plotting function to start off with

barplot basic bar plot

boxplot basic box plot

hist basic histogram

points adds points to an existing plot

text adds text to an existing plot

Other functions

read.csv read a csv file

write.csv write a csv file

print print to the console

sum sums a vectors of numbers together