R. A. Fisher
The nature of inheritance
The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection (ch. 1-2)
Further Reading
Orr 2009 NRG 10: 531-539
Connallon and Clark Genetics 2014
Fitness Landscape of Beer

S. Wright
Shifting Balance vs Mass selection
Wright 1940 Am. Nat. 74: 232
Wade and Goodnight 1998 Evolution 52: 1537
Coyne et al. started the exchange:
Coyne et al 1997 Evolution 51:643
Wade (above) and Peck responded:
Peck et al 1998 Evolution 52: 1834
Coyne rebuttal to Wade and Peck:
Coyne et al 2000 Evolution 54: 305

J. B. S. Haldane
Theory of a cline
Haldane 1948 J. Genetics 48: 277
Recent Example
Selection across an environmental gradient:
Mullen & Hoekstra 2008 Evolution, 62(7), 1555-1570

H. J. Muller
Evolution of Sex
Muller Am. Nat. 66:703 1932
Additional Reading
Hamilton Science 1967

T. G. Dobzhansky
Adaptive Polymorphism
Main reading:
Dobzhansky 1937 Genetics and the origin of species, Chapter 5.
Dobzhansky 1964 Am. Zoo. 4:443.

G. G. Simpson
Tempo and Mode of evolution
Simpson 1944 Tempo and Mode in Evolution Chapter 1
Fitch and Ayala 1994 PNAS 91:6717

E. Mayr
Mayr 1963 Animal Species and Evolution Chapters 1 and 2

W. D. Hamilton
Social Behaviour
Hamilton 1964 J Theoret Biol 7: 1
Recent Review by Jeremy Van Cleve
Van Cleave 2014 BioRxiv

G. C. Williams
Group Selection
Williams 1966 Adaptation and Natural Selection, Chapter 4.
The false allure of group selection
Wilson 1986 Levels of Selection

Nettie Stevens
Sex Chromosomes
Stevens 1962

S. J. Gould
Punctuated Equilibrium
Gould and Eldridge 1993 Nature 366: 223.
Recent Review
Is there room for punctuated equilibrium in macroevolution:
Pennel, Harmon, and Uyeda 2013 TREE, 29(1), 23-32

M. Kimura
Neutral Theory
Kimura 1968 Nature 217: 624.
Kimura 1986 Phil Trans 312: 343.
A commentary questioning the applicability of the neutral theory
Hahn 2008 Evolution.

S. Ohno
Gene Duplication
Ohno 1970 Chapters 10-12

L. Marguilis
Origin of Eukaryotes
Sagan 1967 J. Theoret. Biol. 14:225.
The problem with PNAS - hybrid origin of caterpillars
Williamson 2009 PNAS

Raup and Sepkoski 1982 Science 215: 1501.
Felsenstein 1985 Am Nat 125: 1.
Price 1970 Nature 227: 520.